VIII-16 appendix
Human, H&E

appendix - x1.25 objective lens

LN - lymphatic nodules
ME - muscularis externa
Muc - mucosa
Ser - serosa
Sub - submucosa
black box - seen at higher magnification in fig VIII-16(D2)
blue box - seen at higher magnification in fig VIII-16(D5)

appendix - x4 objective lens

Cry - crypts of Leiberkuhn
LN - lymphatic nodules
MM - muscularis mucosae
Muc - mucosa
Sub - submucosa
black box - seen at higher magnification in fig VIII-16(D3)

appendix - x10 objective lens

Cry - crypts of Leiberkuhn
GC - goblet cells
MM - muscularis mucosae
Muc - mucosa
black box - seen at higher magnification in fig VIII-16(D4)

appendix - x40 objective lens

AbC - absorptive cells
Cry - crypts of Leiberkuhn
GC - goblet cells
L - lumen of crypt of Leiberkuhn
LP - lamina propria

appendix - x10 objective lens

AP - Auerbach's plexus
ME(c) - muscularis externa (circular sublayer)
ME(l) - muscularis externa (longitudinal sublayer)
Ser - serosa
Sub - submucosa
blue box - seen at higher magnification in fig VIII-16(D6)

appendix - x40 objective lens

AP - Auerbach's plexus
GC - ganglionic cells
ME(c) - muscularis externa (circular sublayer)
ME(l) - muscularis externa (longitudinal sublayer)
Ser - serosa