XI-2 kidney (unilobar)
rabbit, trichrome

kidney (unilobar) - x1.25 objective lens

BV - blood vessel
Ca - calyx
P - pyramid
blue box - seen at higher magnification in fig XI-2(U2)
black box - seen at higher magnification in fig XI-2(U3)

kidney (unilobar) - x4 objective lens

CL - cortical labyrinth
MR - medullary rays
RC - renal corpuscles
dashed line - boundaries between medullary rays and cortical labyrinth

kidney (unilobar) - x2 objective lens

BV - blood vessel
Ca - calyx
P - papilla of pyramid
black box - seen at higher magnification in fig XI-2(U4)
blue box - seen at higher magnification in fig XI-2(U5)

kidney (unilobar) - x20 objective lens

CD - collecting ducts
TT - thin tubules of Henle's loop
yellow arrowheads - interstitial cells

kidney (unilobar) - x20 objective lens

CT - connective tissue
DB - ducts of Bellini
SCEp - simple columnar epithelium
TEp - transitional epithelium